Regional Collaboration
Regional collaboration refers to the processes and activities where governments, businesses, and nonprofits work together acrossjurisdictional, sectoral, and functional boundaries to address complex regional problems.
Regional collaboration is used to pool resources and capacities where these may be stretched thin, to respond to threats or opportunities, or to overcome government fragmentation.
It can take many forms, formal or informal, voluntary or imposed, and but often has to overcome high transaction costs, imbalances of power and resources, and differences in philosophy.
Principles For Effective Regional Collaboration
- Build and sustain trusted regionally-focused institutions with deep roots, contextual understanding, and strong analytical capacity.
- Recognize that everyone, urban and rural alike, contributes to regional well-being.
- Address inequities of geography, race and ethnicity, gender, income, and class to improve social and economic opportunity and health for all people and places.
- Connect the many elements that create and sustain healthy economies and communities into regional ecosystems.
- Invest for the long-term.
Brian Dabson (2019). Regional Solutions for Rural and Urban Challenges. State and Local Government Review. Volume 51, Issue 4, 283-291.
Regional Solutions' documents - research methods, literature review, stakeholder and expert interviews, case studies. findings, and principles and recommendations can be read and downloaded at LOCUS Impact Investing
Regional Solutions' documents - research methods, literature review, stakeholder and expert interviews, case studies. findings, and principles and recommendations can be read and downloaded at LOCUS Impact Investing